Question is which one should we do upgrade first ? Windows server OS or planetpress ?You should do the OS first.
For planetpress upgrade, should we uninstall the planetpress and then reinstall new version or we simply run the update from "/Tools/check for updates/Update Manager/install button" ?Simply run the
Objectif Lune Update Client and choose
Install. You should always back up your server prior to any upgrade, in case of issues (not that we foresee any

Do we need to fill in a licensed transfer form ? Only if the magic number assigned to the machine changes. If you are migrating to a different server, it will change. Some major upgrade of the OS could have that effect as well so, when you restart your Workflow, after the OS upgrade, if it shows that the license has expired, you will need the transfer form. In that case, contact our
Customer Care and they will explain all this to you as well as providing you with the proper form.
Do we need to get a new activation code ?The answer is the same as the previous one.
On the other hands, when do we need to fill in a licensed transfer form and request a new activation code ?The answer is the same as the previous one.