Since this seems to be a device specific to the Ricoh printers, it may not be recognised by PlanetPress if you try to send the form to the that device the normal way. You may need to use Watch to download the form to the printer.
Watch has a "Download to printer" action, which allows you to put a path. So what you could do is in Design, go to Red Button->Send To->Printer, and click on "Save Printer File". Then, have Watch capture that file and have it go through the "Download to printer" action. You'll have to enter the path to your device. (hint: if you print a planetpress status page, you should get a list of storage devices, so you'll be able to get it's name from it) As for actually calling that form, I am not sure what the PostScript trigger would be for that, whether a standard postscript trigger like those in our trigger impmementation guides would work or not. You may need to specify the path in your trigger, and unfortunately, I don't know enough about PostScript to help you with that.
In other words, it might be possible, but it may not be as simple as using a hard disk resident form. If you can use your hard disk, it may be simpler to simply send the form to the hard disk instead.